Nursery sports day
The races kicked off with a super speedy running race by the children in big Nursery, followed by a sparkly Pom Pom race with the Little Nursery children. Friends and family whooped and cheered the children and staff as they ran, skipped and hopped along the track.
School nursery children showed off their balancing skills as they raced, balancing quoits and beanbags on their heads, while Little Nursery skilfully stepped through hoops. Little Nursery’s final race was a sleeping bunny hop-a-long! The children all lay at the start of the track, sleeping peacefully while we sang to them, when the bunnies were woken it was a hasty hop to the finish!
We finished the day with the parent race! We had some willing (and less willing!) volunteers who joined in with the races, and the children cheered and waved in support.
Thank you to all who came along to support us.