Curriculum and Assessment
Curriculum Intent:
At Newdigate Primary and Nursery School, to ensure that all children are equally valued, we strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards across all areas of our curriculum. We believe that, through considered, creative planning and teaching, all children will have access to a broad enriching curriculum that is suitable for all pupils in the class, including those with special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) with support from the SENCo. We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed and planned in order to achieve the following aims:
- Encourage curiosity, creativity and love of learning, through a broad and balanced curriculum
- Promote a positive, challenging and enjoyable learning experience which meets all our children’s needs and abilities
- Provide a solid foundation in the ‘basics’, especially reading, writing and maths
- Develop skills and knowledge over their learning journey that builds on prior learning
- Promote first hand learning experiences
Health and well-being:
- Support positive physical and mental health to promote and celebrate difference and respect for all
- Develop a growth mindset so that pupils are confident and develop effective and life-long learning behaviours
- Develop empathy and understanding of people’s similarities and differences
- Develop an understanding of people’s faiths, religions and beliefs
- Establish and maintain the schools three behaviour rules ‘Ready, respectful, safe’
- Understand that all actions have consequences
- Encourage participation and offer opportunities with sports, music, and the arts
- Enhance the curriculum further with planned theme days, visits/trips and visitors.
- Mark significant events to enhance pupils’ understanding of different beliefs, cultures and faiths
- Encourage children to take on key responsibilities within the school community to support growth in confidence and independence
At Newdigate we follow the national curriculum in Years 1-6. The curriculum contains the programmes of study and attainment targets for all subjects, at all key stages. Information about the national curriculum can be found here.
Parent Guides to the Curriculum
Further Information
If you have any queries regarding the curriculum or would like any further information, please contact Mrs Kerry Wright (Deputy Head) by email at