Autumn 2019
In the Autumn term we have been learning about animals. We have looked at lots of different animals and have described their features. We thought about how we could sort the animals into different groups and for different reasons. We have been naming all the animals we know.
Drama - Lost and Found.
In English we looked at the story "Lost and Found" by Oliver Jeffers. We worked with a partner to role play the story of a little boy who finds a penguin at his door and takes him back to the South Pole only to realise that the penguin wasn't lost but was just lonely. Fortunately the story has a happy ending as the boy and the penguin find each other again and become best friends.
Dear Zoo Live
On Wednesday 13th November Year 1 visited The Albany Theatre in Coventry to see a performance of Dear Zoo Live. Last half term we used the story Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell to support our learning so we were very excited to see it come to life on stage. All of the children had a fantastic experience and behaved beautifully, listening to the story and joining in with the actions alongside Ben and Sally the characters.
Theatre trip 13.11.19 - Dear Zoo
Autumn 2 Visitors
So far this term we have been very lucky in Year 1 because we have had two different visitors into school. Alexis Deacon, the author of Beegu, visited us to share his stories and demonstrate how to illustrate pages using letters of the alphabet to create alien characters.
Then firemen from Bedworth Fire Station visited us to discuss fire safety and what we should do in the event of a fire. We practiced how to stop, drop and roll and how to crawl low. The firemen also challenged us to learn our whole address off by heart should we ever need to call the fire and rescue service.