Autumn Term
Tuesday 19th November 2019
LI: To organise information
In groups, we were given information about lions to organise into the given sub-headings. We discussed our thoughts and ideas in groups and then as class made a final decision as to where we thought they should go. Sometimes, we didn’t all agree, so we discussed how they might fit into more than one category and had a vote to make a final decision. We found out lots of new information about lions and learnt new words too, such as ‘endangered’ and ‘distinctive’. As a class we discussed why grouping information is so important, recognising that it helps us find answers to our questions easily.
In topic, we have been finding out about Florence Nightingale, ‘the lady with the lamp’. We watched a video all about her life and how she became famous. We found this really interesting! We were shocked to find out that before she arrived during the war, patients were covered in maggots and flies…GROSS! But she made sure that everywhere was cleaned and most of the soldiers then recovered. As a class, we then ordered Florence Nightingales timeline. This was a bit tricky as some dates were the same, so we had to make sure we read the information to know the order. We successfully managed to order ourselves with the help from our friends.
This week we have been exploring the characters within ‘Little Wise Wolf’. In the story, the king is a lion!
In groups we discussed what a lion was, where we’d heard about them and why they might have been used to be a king. Then as a whole class, we brain stormed our ideas and thought about why the author chose a lion to be the king in the Little Wise Wolf. See our brain storms and shared write below!
In Big Maths this week, we have been focussing on telling the time. We have been doing really well at reading o’clock and half past, but some of us have found one hour earlier and one hour later a bit tricky. We haven’t given up though! With the support of our friends and teachers, we have been able to improve and feel more confident!
After going to see the author and illustrator of ‘Little Wise Wolf’ last Thursday, we thought we would have a go at creating our own illustrations in the same style. To recreate the front cover, we used charcoal, feathers and templates, just how the illustrator showed us. We were all really proud of our masterpieces, even though some of us didn’t like getting messy!
On the 7th November year 2 and 3 children visited Warwick Arts Centre to be part of a wonderful children’s literature event with Gijs van der Hammen and Hanneke Siemensma author and illustrator of ‘Little Wise Wolf’. During the show they discussed how they created this story and how the illustrations developed starting with raw charcoal through to colouring in photoshop to get to the final finished book.
The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were happy with their own free copy of the book!
In class we have been immersed with this book, looking closely at the characters.
This week in Guided Reading we have been exploring the cumulative story ‘Where The Poppies Now Grow’. We have been learning all about Remembrance Day in preparation for next Monday. We have discussed what the characters might be thinking and how they might have been feeling. To help us with this, we decided to act out the story, creating freeze frames for each key part.
We all found this lots of fun and really useful to imagine ourselves as the characters in the war.