Year 4 Multiplication Check
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check 2021
We will use this page to keep you up to date with information about the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check, which will be taking place for the first time in June 2021.
The check was originally intended to take place for the first time in 2020, but was cancelled due to Covid-19. The Department for Education have confirmed that they currently plan for the MTC to take place (along with all other Primary assessments) in 2021. If this changes for any reason, we will make sure you are kept informed.
Please see below for a PDF of the government's Parent Information Leaflet, and a link to the online (text only) version of this document. This will hopefully answer any questions you may have about the check. Please do not hesitate to contact the Year 4 staff ( if you have any concerns or queries.