Celebration Assembly
Friday 14th February 2020
Writer of the week:
This week, we have been working on creating a newspaper report related to the Sack of Winds chapter related to our class book: The Adventures of Odysseus. She thought carefully about her language choices and included reported and direct speech.
Mathematician of the week:
Megan has been awarded as Mathematician of the week for working hard on retrieving information and interpreting information from different types of data including bar charts and line graphs. She looked carefully at the intervals on the scales to ensure accuracy.
Reader of the week:
Lewis has been working hard in guided reading lessons where he has followed the non-fiction subheadings effectively to retrieve the correct information.
Pupil of the week:
Grace received this award for having a more focused attitude towards her learning. She has made more of an effort to me prompt for lessons and made more effort in her work books.
Friday 31st January 2020
Writer of the week:
Kyle received this award for a thorough and descriptive alternate ending to our book: Letters from the Lighthouse. He considered the thoughts and feelings of the characters, and conveyed these well through dialogue.
Mathematician of the week:
Carla was our Mathematician of the week for applying her learnt methods of fractions to her test. She recalled how to convert a mixed number into an improper fraction.
Reader of the week:
Jaiden was awarded this award for working hard in guided reading, thinking carefully about word meanings in context.
Pupil of the week:
Ryder showed great sportsmanship during our PE lesson. We have been working on ball skills and he applied these well to a game of dodgeball, demonstrating good teamwork.
Friday 19th January 2020
Writer of the week:
Our writer of the week award was given to Ryder. He wrote a clear balanced argument showing both points of the argument using cohesive devices to allow the reader to have an understanding of the theme.
Mathematician of the week:
Noah has worked well towards his area and perimeter work. He paid close attention to his measures, units and showed clear working out applying equations learnt in class.
Reader of the week:
Joe worked within a guided group and articulated his reasoning for his answers well. He was able to help those around him and used the text to support his answers.
Pupil of the week:
Haydn continuously offers to help children in class when they are in need. His kind and helpful nature is appreciated by those around him.
Friday 29th November 2019
Writer of the week:
Beth received this award for independently checking her spellings and using a range of strategies to proof-read her work.
Mathematician of the week:
Ellie-May is Mathematician of the week for showing calculations in her test and showing understanding of the questions.
Reader of the week:
Destiny has worked extremely hard during test week, especially in her reading test. She has applied learnt techniques to her test and read instructions carefully.
Pupil of the week:
Eirlys is Pupil of the week for helping her peers and teacher. She continuously is happy at school and this is contagious to all those around her.
Friday 17th November 2019
Writer of the week:
Kyle has received Writer of the week for a well produced diary entry linked to our story: Letters from the Lighthouse. Kyle considered his purpose and audience throughout writing and showed his emotions through the key events.
Mathematician of the week:
Blake has been awarded with Mathematician for the week for working extremely hard with his decimals. He ordered and compared decimals using good place value knowledge and inequality
Reader of the week:
Lottie has participated well in guided reading sessions and shows a good understanding of different text types. She reads the questions carefully to fully understand and asks key questions, relevant to the text.
Pupil of the week:
Logan has received this award for showing good manners to staff and pupils. He shows a great attitude towards his learning and offers to aid his peers when necessary.
Friday 11th October 2019
Writer of the week:
Jak created a compelling poem related to our story Rose Blanche and WW2. He conveyed the characters well through chosen descriptive and emotive language.
Mathematician of the week:
Carla received this award for working on some challenging division questions. She moved onto long division and some reasoning questions too. Well done!
Reader of the week:
Freya has shown a good knowledge of understanding inference questions. She uses 'Point, Evidence, Explain' to show a clear response and uses the evidence to support her answer.
Pupil of the week:
Callum has won this award for continuously showing good manners to all those around him and for always asking about my day!
Friday 27th September 2019
Writer of the week:
Beth created a purposeful balanced argument about refugees. She thought carefully about her conjunction and cohesive device choices. Well done!
Mathematician of the week:
Priya consistently produces great work in maths. She listens attentively to instructions and has shown that she can apply her methods to word problems.
Reader of the week:
Ellie is our reader of the week for participating in guided reading and english lessons and giving possible answers using her previous knowledge.
Pupil of the week:
Noah has been chosen for this award for paying attention in all lessons and trying his hardest. He listens to the feedback given and continues to persevere.
Friday 13th September 2019
Writer of the week:
Eirlys has written a powerful poem related to our class text: Feelings. She considered the different emotions we feel and how to symbolise those feelings using a range of figurative language including: alliteration, oxymoron and onomatopoeia.
Mathematician of the week:
Our mathematician of the week is Ethan for working extremely hard on his column methods and showing a fantastic application of place value.
Reader of the week:
Amelia has been awarded with this award as she has participated well in guided reading sessions, considering the meaning of words within context.
Helpful, kind and polite award of the week:
James is constantly kind and polite to members of the school and his peers. He helps where necessary and continues to make the right choices at school. His positive attitude has had a positive impact on his peers. Well done!