Alexis Deacon - year 1 author visit
Year 1 have been using texts by Alexis Deacon to support their learning with reading and writing. Alexis visited us on Friday 8th November to share his expertise when illustrating picture books. He shared two of his stories with the children, Croc and Bird and A Place called Home. Alexis demonstrated how to read stories aloud in an interesting way and used different voices and actions to bring his stories alive.
In lessons year 1 have been using Alexis Deacon’s most famous text Beegu to learn all about feelings, characters and making inferences from the pictures. Alexis talked about writing the story and how he created the illustrations to go with the story. He taught the children how to use the letters of the alphabet to turn them into alien characters. They then used capital letters and lower case letters to add eyes, legs and arms to create their own aliens, naming them using their phonic skills.
When the children finished creating the alien characters they used them to create a short story of their own.